ARMA for market prediction – does it work?

ARMA process predicts the future taking into account past values and errors. When making predictions, we often reach the past to find a pattern which can repeat itself in the future. Such patterns may have roots in seasons, days (business days and weekends), or time of day (day and night). However, rarely does same pattern happen multiple times. Unexpected events related to politics, the economy and daily life in general, disrupt any ready-to-use templates. Therefore, we need models like ARMA that simultaneously use past data as a template for estimates and can also include unpredictable events distorting this template.
ARMA process

What is ARMA

The name ARMA is short for Autoregressive Moving Average. It comes from merging two simpler models – the Autoregressive, or AR, and the Moving Average, or MA. ARMA predicts the future taking into account a linear combination of past values and errors. The ARMA is only suitable for univariate time series without trend and seasonal components. If your data is more complex, but still has a linear dependency between past values, you have to pre-process the data before feeding the model or use more advanced process, e.g. ARIMA.

Prediction with the AR part

The AR (autoregressive) model explains a variable future value using its past or so called lagged values. The AR models the next step in the time series as a linear function of the observations at prior time steps.
The AR have a single parameter p which specify the number of lags in the model

The mathematical formulation of an AR(p) model is as follows:

x t = α1 xt1 + α2 xt2 + + αp xtp + wt , x_t=\alpha_1 x_{t-1}+\alpha_2 x_{t-2}+\ldots+\alpha_p x_{t-p}+w_t,


x t x_t
value to be predicted

x t-i x_t
past values

w t w_t
white noise

α i w_t
weight of the past values

Prediction with the MA part

The Moving Average works comparably to the AR model: it uses past values to predict the current value of the variable. A moving average (MA) process of order q is a linear combination of the q most recent past white noise terms, which is defined by

xt=β1wt1+β2wt2++βqwtq.x_t=\beta_1 w_{t-1}+\beta_2 w_{t-2}+\ldots+\beta_q w_{t-q}.


x t x_t
value to be predicted

w i w_t
white noise

β i w_t
weight of the white noise values

Joining AR and MA – prediction with ARMA

When used together, we call these concatenated blocks as the ARMA process. ARMA can use the past value and the prediction errors from the past ARMA stands for an Autoregressive Moving Average. As shown below, ARMA combines autoregression (AR) and moving average (MA) models into one block.

xt=α1xt1+α2xt2++αpxtp+wt+β1wt1+β2wt2++βqwtq.x_t=\alpha_1 x_{t-1}+\alpha_2 x_{t-2}+\ldots+\alpha_p x_{t-p}+w_t+\beta_1 w_{t-1}+\beta_2 w_{t-2}+\ldots+\beta_q w_{t-q}.

ARMA examples

As you can see, the ARMA can have different values for the lag of the AR and MA processes. For example

  1. ARMA(1, 0) model has an AR order of 1 (p= 1) and an MA order of 0 (q=0). This is just an AR(1) model
  2. The MA(1) model is the same as the ARMA(0, 1) model
  3. ARMA(3, 1) has an AR order of 3 lagged values and uses 1 lagged value for the MA.

Data acquisition

Firstly, we get the data. I selected a small-cap index from one of the Eastern European markets. Why not something more popular? Because the more popular data have fewer anomalies, making it harder to find inefficiencies.

My data is a time frame with several columns. I indexed, filtered and converted it to weekly frequency because of clearer autocorrelation at a higher scale. Finally, I computed the percentage change of the index to obtain a stationary time series. Finally, I divided the data into two sets: x_train and x_test, which are input parameters of the forecasting algorithms.

# File with price data
EQ = r'swig80.txt'
# Column's names
COL_LOW = ''
# Learning parameters

def get_data():
    Get all files in a given directory and its directories
    df = pd.read_csv(EQ)
    # Convert data in string to date
    df[COL_DATE] = df[COL_DATE].apply(pd.to_datetime, format="%Y%m%d")
    # The whole data history is not necessary to predict next week
    df = df[df[COL_DATE] >= '2017-01-01']
    # Make a date an index of the frame
    df.set_index(COL_DATE, inplace=True)
    # Change the frequency from days to weeks
    df = df.resample('1w').agg({COL_OPEN: 'first', COL_HIGH: 'max',
                                COL_LOW: 'min', COL_CLOSE: 'last'})
    # Compute the percentage changes
    df['change'] = df[COL_CLOSE].pct_change()*100
    plot_eq(df[COL_CLOSE].to_numpy(), df['change'][1:].to_numpy())

Finally, get_data() produces the time series which is an input to my prediction algorithms.

Index of small cap stocks
Index of small cap stocks

Predictions of prices with ARMA

I supplied the model with the two-year length time series and predicted the next three months with a weekly frequency.

The first algorithm uses the update function. After every predicted value, this function “refreshes” the model parameters, uncovering the new observations. In the beginning, I created the auto_arima model. Then, in the loop, I predict the next values and refresh the model with the actual value new_ob taken from x_test set. From the differences between x_test and fc I computed prediction errors.

def forecast_with_update(x_train, x_test):
    auto_arima = pm.auto_arima(
            x_train, seasonal=False, stepwise=False,
            approximation=False, n_jobs=-1)
    forecasts = []
    for new_ob in x_test:
        fc, _ = auto_arima.predict(n_periods=1, return_conf_int=True)
        # Updates the existing model with a small number of MLE steps
    print(f"Mean squared error: {mean_squared_error(x_test, forecasts)}")
    print(f"SMAPE: {pm.metrics.smape(x_test, forecasts)}")
    return forecasts

In the second approach, instead of updating, I recreated the model. Thus, in every loop, I replace the old model with a completely new one with updated data. This approach is much slower and updating the model. For more details about the differences between updating and creating a new model for every iteration, see the auto_arima documentation.

def forecast_with_new(x_train, x_test):
    forecasts = []
    print("Iterations {}".format(x_test.size))
    for new_ob in x_test:
        # Recompute the whole model
        auto_arima = pm.auto_arima(
                x_train, seasonal=False, stepwise=False,
                approximation=False, n_jobs=-1)
        fc, _ = auto_arima.predict(n_periods=1, return_conf_int=True)
        x_train = np.append(x_train[1:], new_ob)

    print(f"Mean squared error: {mean_squared_error(x_test, forecasts)}")
    print(f"SMAPE: {pm.metrics.smape(x_test, forecasts)}")


In both cases, the prediction results are not satisfactory. The prediction does not follow the actual values. It seems that the data is more complicated and has non-linear dependencies, which the ARMA cannot model. Building a new model for every prediction did not help. To improve the results, one may consider to

  1. change the x_test size
  2. take different data, e.g. different indexes or equities
Prediction for index of a small cap stocks index
Prediction for index of a small cap stocks index

The whole code

Input data (put in the same directory as the Python file)

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